
WHOA!!!!!! Its been a long time!
After what seemed like YEARS (probably to you as well), but was really only months, I have FINALLY motivated myself to draw up the next strip.
PHEW!! *wipes the sweat off her forehead*
I hope to never leave my comic alone for more than a month at a time ever again!

Dear Lord! Please help me to get motivated, and to stop being such a lazy-ass procrastinator!

Anyways, once again, mood music from my men, Westlife!
This song is from their second CD, Coast to Coast.
Soon, I'll be putting up links to where you can buy the Thermalyte Chapter One Soundtrack.

^_^ Also, don't forget my store!
And please, PLEASE drop in the forum every so often! I get very discouraged and un-motivated when I don't get feedback (whether positive or negative) from my readers. I feel like I'm doing this for nothing.
So, if you don't want Thermalyte to go on any more extremely long hiatuses, or to disappear completely, then you'd better let me know it by showing your face (er.. your screen name..) in the forum at least a few times a month!

Ja ne!

-Christine the AC