
Well, The results of my last poll are in. Out of 81 respondants here it is:

5% Run away screaming in terror.
6% Slap Luke for being such an idiot.
14% Believe Luke.
14% Get mad at him for lying all these years
32% Set Luke's sweater on fire.
30% Think its totally cool and pet him.

And I noticed that people only started voting for "Set Luke's sweater on fire" after I had mentioned that I was surprised no one had. Coincidance? I think not.

Well anyways, the next poll for all of you is for me.. I'm curious to know.. Just what age and gender is the majority of my readers? I'm really wondering. I'm a 17 year old girl.. And I'm curious about who likes my stuff. So please take the new poll, and don't forget to keep voting for me for the "Top 33 Manga" and clicking all of the banners around here.

I also would like to mention, that today I have done a special guest strip over at Bryan's famed manga: Seasons of Constancy. So please be sure to check it out.
If you like SoC, or my guest strip, you may also like Bryan's other manga, Pelolos:PTEMAI.

See you all later! ^_^



Hey mina! (That's everyone in Japanese.. I'm trying to learn it! ^_^)
I'm sorry about the strip being late today..
As some of you know, I was sick. Anyways.. When I'm sick, I tend to be a whole lot more foregetful than usual.. So I forgot to scan the strip into my computer and upload it! (Ooops!!) Super sorry!




Look! A fanart! A new one! Go see! ^_^

I can't believe this is my 3rd time updating today..

Man, I'm wiped.
Well... ENJOY! ^_^


PS... Special thanks to Koio of Pooki! ^^

Ja mata!
There! I fixed today's strip! ^^

Oh yeah!
Just wanted to tell everyone that all the answers to that poll was wrong!!! Actually.. Its an odd combination of most of them. Stay tuned to Thermalyte to see for yourself!

Also.. I'm going to be putting up a new poll soon.. Probably this weekend! ^^


Ja ne!

PS.. If you were wondering.. You'll be seeing quite a bit more of Westlife over the next little bit. Oh yeah.. That's right! ^^


Look, everyone! A new page!!

I also have received some new fanart, that I will put up in the fanart section tomorrow. YAY! GO FANART!!

Coincedence?! Actually.. Yes.
Anyways.. The next page after this one will be Friday.. and only 2-4 more after that for the "Important" pages. So.. We'll see. I'm planning to have them all DONE by the end of Easter Weekend.. which means I should have them all up (for sure) by the end of next week.. but I'm going to try to be done before that!
Wish me luck!

And don't forget to KEEP ME COMPANY in the FORUM!




I'm very sorry I haven't updated Thermalyte in forever! (well it seems that way to me, it probably does to you too.) I haven't been trying hard enough. I don't have the gusto. I have failed. And I feel horribly guilty about it.
What am I going to do? If I can't even manage one or two strips a week and my homework... How will I manage Yankuckcanee in a couple of weeks? How will I ever manage J-Force? I feel so utterly terrible about how I've been treating all of you.
I haven't been getting much feedback. I'm upset that no one has said any nice comments about my St. Patrick's Day strip.. But I'm not surprised. I've betrayed all of you, and myself.

Maybe I should quit. But I don't want to do that. I really don't.
I really really don't. I love this story, and I have so much in store for it.. Well.. at least another year's worth of stuff.
A wise man once said "That's the first and possibly final rule to creating a good piece of work: be yourself."
Well, I haven't been myself. In a way I have.. I've been lazy as hell and a big-ass procrastinator.. But I haven't been myself when it comes down to this comic. I've been trying to hard to conform to other's styles, and layouts... Even advertising... So I just give up.

I'm not going to try to be perfect anymore. I'm not. Because when I try to draw like someone else, I don't seem to do that well anyways. Only when I'm doodling, and I make something nice "by mistake" am I truly satisfied with my results. So I'm just going to try to get my thoughts and story across.. No matter how ugly the picture. Because mainly.. That's what Thermalyte is about. Its story.
Why else would I have used "CAR CATCHES ON FIRE AND BLOWS UP, BOOM!" back when Zeila and Luke crashed in the desert? I like to think that its because I'm a great writer, and a terrible artist.. but in actuality.. I'm a terrible writer.. and an even more devastatingly terrible artist.
So please forgive me for being who I am. I wish I could say I promise to try harder.. but I can't. I don't know what's in store for this comic anymore. I don't know. I just don't know. Maybe it will turn into a book, rather than a comic. Maybe. Or maybe it will keep going and get better.. Maybe it will stay the same. Or maybe it will just die. I don't want it to die. Especially since I'm using it as a learning device (NOW, I wasn't before) in preparation for my coming manga, J-Force.
Either way.. I will continue to read the tutorials at www.howtodrawmanga.com and I will continue to practice.

I want to try harder.. I really do. But I'm not going to even promise that. God knows I probably won't. So please just forgive me for being the laziest person in the world that I know, and keep checking back. There will be new Thermalyte up.... Someday...

I feel SO terrible right now.

I'm going to continue reading Bryan's First Year Retrospective now... So I'll see you all later.

I hope.

-AC, 2002-03-24


I find this very interesting...
Here are the search strings that brought people to Thermalyte for the month of February.

Hits Search String
---------------- ----------------------

4 6.25% anime comics
3 4.69% girl 21
2 3.12% anime guys
2 3.12% christine falling
2 3.12% fanart
2 3.12% hot girl
2 3.12% strip girl
2 3.12% thermalyte
1 1.56% 14 old hot girl
1 1.56% anime character stats
1 1.56% anime characters
1 1.56% anime cute cute
1 1.56% anime funny pictures
1 1.56% anime webcomics
1 1.56% christine lai
1 1.56% comic archives
1 1.56% comic strip anime girl
1 1.56% comics on energy
1 1.56% cute anime
1 1.56% first touch
1 1.56% flatbed scanner girl
1 1.56% friday comic
1 1.56% funny friday
1 1.56% girl are hot
1 1.56% girl ftp
1 1.56% girl scans
1 1.56% guardian angel
1 1.56% hot girl 2002
1 1.56% hot girl drawn
1 1.56% hot girl pics
1 1.56% hot guy .com
1 1.56% how to cast an exorcism
1 1.56% how to draw anime
1 1.56% how to draw anime dragon ball
1 1.56% how to draw manga hair
1 1.56% how to drow anime comics
1 1.56% keenspace
1 1.56% keenspace ***news*** tag
1 1.56% manga scans
1 1.56% mugen kung fu characters
1 1.56% never new manga boram
1 1.56% pic for lovely girl
1 1.56% purple ducky
1 1.56% rpg parody
1 1.56% scanned manga
1 1.56% screwing around
1 1.56% super-old
1 1.56% the misfits
1 1.56% thermalyte comic
1 1.56% tokyo hot guys
1 1.56% warm girl
1 1.56% warm touch
1 1.56% yin

Note the bolded one. Who on earth did that? And how does that bring you here? Well now it will some more.. but.. Weird people! And thanks to whoever was actually SEARCHING for my comic. I feel very flattered. Thanks. ^_^


PS: Don't forget to post in the FORUM, which has been fixed.