
As you can see.. this is a very small strip.. Well.. That's for 2 reasons.. One.. It looks better at half size! And Two... I don't have a scanner right now. My old one's port no longer fits into my computer because I upgraded to my dad's old Compaq Presario.. (Ick!) So I had to do the entire strip à la Photoshop!
And.. I'm still not that great with my tablet and Photoshop yet.
But.. Don't worry. I should be getting my dad's FLATBED SCANNER soon! (I just don't know how soon.. So bear with me until then). Then I will be going back to full sized strips, hopefully, They'll be just as clean because with his scanner I think I can play with the dpi it scans in! YAY!
But.. until then.. The strips will probably all be this size... Sorry.

Also, I want to say SPECIAL THANKS to Gillikin and Lai Rena for today's strip. For it was Gillikin who helped me find Zeila's and Luke's hometown, and Lai Rena's profile tutorial (from Kern's Oekaki) that helped me draw the ex-cop guy in today's strip! Thanks!

And don't forget to visit my favourite confusing comic, Seasons Of Constancy!!

Well.. That's all I have to say for now. That and.. Tomorrow I start Math class...... ICK!

See ya!


I'm really sorry about this everyone.. but I HAVE to do this..
Thermalyte is going on a sebaticle for two weeks. That means no strips until the 30th. If I can manage any before then, I will get them up though. I'm very sorry.. but I need the time off to finish up ISUs and study for FINALS (on top of working weird hours for Cogeco).

I'm very sorry everyone!!!
But I'm not breaking my New Year's Resolution.. not entirely anyways.. I didn't want to break my schedule.. Well.. I'm not breaking it.. I'm just changing it... erm... yeah.

In the meantime, Go check out the mass hilarity at Yankuckcanee, and go see the uber-spiffy comic Seasons Of Constancy, now in colour!!

Also, you can still talk to me in my FORUM.. as well as look at all the great comics listed on my LINKS page. (The links to these pages are on the left of the comic).

Once again... I'm sorry.
See you in two weeks!

(I'll talk to you in the forum if time permits)



Well.. My little contest didn't bring in much extra traffic into the forum....
Where ARE you guys??

Well.. At least I still know that my devoted fans are still reading! Thanks Gillikin, Bryan, and Ghislain! ^_^
(isn't that pathetic?)
COME ON.. I know I have more than 3 readers! 10 people have taken the poll so far, so there's at least 6 more of you out there! (One vote was my sister.. you know.. the girl who said my comic is like a soap opera? She doesn't count. :P Sorry Pam! :P)

Anyways.. so far I seem to be sticking to my schedule. And I kinda like Wed-Fri more than Mon-Fri.. because, than I can do two at once, and put them up at the same time. Mind you, that didn't happen this week. But.. I still will have Friday's strip on time. Promise.

So anyways.. like I've said before.. TALK TO ME IN MY FORUM. I'd like to know what all of you think, and what else is going on in your life. Just don't post in the forum if your name is harleq. (little inside joke there.. .. Hey.. I've got an idea.. Wanna know what its about? ASK ME IN THE FORUM!!)

If you couldn't tell already.. I'd really like everyone to just pop in and say "Hi". Look.. I'm even going to give you a link to make it easy on you guys. HERE IS THE FORUM.

Also.. I've recently discovered a magical little manga. Never Knew. Its kawaii, and will have you hanging on the edge of your seats for more. So go take a look, and tell Boram AC sent you!

AND HEY! What's up with nobody going to read my favourite comic? (okay.. so its not my favourite... but its really good, and I'm friends with the writer/artist)
Go read it, and see what all the fuss is!!

God Bless!


YAY!!! For 2, count 'em, 2 reasons to be happy!
1... SOMEONE voted for Luke's shirt to be set on fire. Teehee! ^_^

2... I FIXED my stupid FTP problem.. Now the links and Fanart pages REALLY are updated.. You see.. yesterday morning.. I was tired.. so I FTP'ed them to the wrong place.. ... ~_~;;

But yeah! It all works now!

And can you believe it? If I want to get PS2 and FF10, I'm going to need $602!!! (that's including Ontario's 15% sales tax, of course... stupid Harris... ~_~) And right now.. I'm still having trouble saving for the $600 I need to take Driver's Ed!!! ARGH!! I really need a job... ... *sigh*
Someone hire me... Please??

The next comic page(s) will bring in and tie in an important plot thread..
So be sure to come back next week for more Thermalyte!!!



Hello everyone!
Don't forget to POST IN THE FORUM and TAKE MY POLL!
Also.. I've updated my LINKS page again.. and my FANART page is up to date!
Go look!

I think I'm going to wait to update my Archives page when I get to the end of Chapter One.
... And I have to think of a name for this Chapter still... Because I don't know.
But.. Yeah. I'm doing my comic in chapters now.. Since it will be easier to follow the story that way. Plus then I can jump around more. Teehee.

EVERYONE GO READ Seasons of Constancy! NOW!
I mean it!

Also..As a little incentive to talk to me in my forum.. I decided to have a little mini contest..
The FIRST 3 people to post in my forum, before 10 pm EST on January 5th, will get a special piece of art done by me. I'll draw them ONE picture of their choice on Kern's Oekaki board. (Note.. only Fantasy and SciFi pics are allowed there.. that is the one restriction).

Come back tomorrow to see Zeila's reaction!
Is Luke REALLY a Leprechaun.. or is he just being weird?
See ya!



Take my little quiz! (Please?)

Also.. I've FINALLY updated my links page, as well as the link to the Canadian webcomics site on the main page. I should be updating the Fanart page as well as the Archives page tomorrow. Or one of the two. Most likely the fanart page.

And check out my mega-spiffy webcomic collaberation... Yankuckcanee!!

On an entirely different note,
I was added to the Women Doing Comics list, at the Friends of Lulu site! Cool, ne?

Oh yeah.. and before I forget.. No matter what anybody says, Final Fantasy the Spirits Within is a TOTALLY KICK-ASS movie, and DOES have a lot in common with the Final Fantasy games.
For instance.. the "Gaia" that they speak of in the movie is EXACTLY like the "Lifestream" in FF7. Also.. You've got a band of people... trying to save the world from total destruction.. Just like in every FF game I've ever played. And of course.. there's the one bad guy.. General Hein. So yeah. The movie is a lot like the games. You just have to learn to read between the lines.. and don't forget the whole picture.

So .. I guess that's enough ranting for today. ^_^





Well.. You'll be happy to know, that SO far, my new year's resolution to keep my comic on schedule all year is going great! There will be a strip tomorow, and on Friday! Find out what was so important that Luke couldn't wait until AFTER eating to tell Zeila! Then see her reaction!
So stay tuned... because this JUST GOT INTERESTING!!!
