
What's up?
I bet you guys are wondering.. "what is Luke doing at the bottom of the page?"
Well.. You'll just have to wait for Monday's strip to find out!
Also.. I'll be posting word of a NEW CONTEST today in the forum.. So look for it!

Have Fun! And when you are done here, go see what's up at SOC!!

See ya!

The incredible,

(Betcha can't read just une!)


How are you guys enjoying my omake!?
Isn't the award for Selina~san silly?

I just heard something from Kern.. He says EVERYONE scans in their comics bigger than in real life..
Is this true? I never knew that. And I don't know how to change the dpi it scans in! ...

Anyways.. GUESS WHAT?
Bryan from Seasons of Constancy and Pelolos has left me IN CHARGE of SOC!
Woohoo! This should be fun! Go check out his fabulous comic!

See you all later!



Today's page is all ready to appear in 2 hours!
Too bad that my Character's page.. my OLD news page, and my archive template page haven't been updated.. (GRR!)

Oh well.
Feel free to look at the new pics I did of Zeila and Luke.


See you all later!

I'm off to bed now.. its 2am!


Betcha can't read just une!


Alright! Friday's page is finally here! (almost 36 hours late...) But it's here!
Zeila and Luke are back with a totally hip, brand new look! You should be able to see that on the characters page.. And you should be able to see the Top 33 list at the bottom of all the archives.. and you should see the old news where I mention Blogger in old news.. but you can't. Because Keenspace is being slow. Oh well.. That's what I get for using a free server. Haha.. Well... thankyou Keenspace for being FREE!! ^_^

By the way, Selina~san is the winner of my "Spot the error" contest. Good job!

See you all later!

The incredible, AnimeCanuck

Betcha can't read just une!


If you haven't gone to the forum then you don't know about the contest! The contest is to "SPOT THE ERROR" on my webpage/comic. There are 4 that I have noticed. One particular, quite OBVIOUS error I have in mind. If you get it right, you get an award! If you pick one of the other 3 errors.. you'll get something too.. but I'm not sure what yet. So ENTER THE CONTEST! Let the search for my screw-ups begin!

Heehee. And I'll probably be having another contest as soon as my next page is up.. which should be Saturday. And after that.. I'll go back to my regular schedule.

See you in the forum!

The incredible,

My comic: Thermalyte
My other blog: Oddisms


Aha! Finally! I fixed that dumb little error!


Now off to bed!

Well well well.. Guess what?
Keenspace is driving me crazy again! I'm trying to update my links and index page.. just for ONE measly error.. I put an IMG SRC as a .PNG instead of .png ... so the pictures on those two pages aren't showing up.. I've clicked "site maintenance" probably at least 5 times by now.. Argh!

But the good news:
I've finally changed the backround because I found good colours for the text!
I've added Bryan's fanart to my fanart page
AND.. I've done a guest strip for Lovarian Adventures!! (I don't know what day that will show up.. sometime this week though..)

Love you all!

The incredible, AnimeCanuck

Betcha can't read just une!


Bryan from Pelolos and Seasons of Constancy has made a fanart for me! Its SOOOO kyuuute! Look at it here for now.. and on my fanart page later this week.
Next week, I should be going back to 2 pages a week.. and possibly 3 pages a week the week after.
Love you all!
(Especially you Bryan!)

The incredible, AnimeCanuck!

Betcha can't read just une!


Hey.. Guess what?

I've FINALLY been recognized by Damonk!! WOOHOO!
He's linked to me on FRAMED!, which is his comic, near the top under Damonks Spiffy New Discoveries.

Isn't that cool!??

Thanks so much Damonk!!!

The incredible, AnimeCanuck

Betcha can't read just une!


I'm sorry guys! I am SOOOOOOO stupid!
Last week when I updated my comic, I updated it over a day late... so I changed the time from 4am EST to 8 pm EST... and I forgot to change it back!!! ACK! OOPS! >.
Sooo... I hope you like it when it appears! hehe...


the not-so incredible.. AnimeCanuck

Betcha can't read just une!


Hiya everybody!
So how do you like my new way of doing news?
Do you like the backround?
I'll be changing the keenspace backround to this one soon. As soon as I find a readable text colour to go with it, that is.. hehe!

Anyways.. as many of you know.. I'm getting ready for exams this week.. so you probably won't be seeing much of me. Still.. you can voice your opinions in the Forum or Email Me and you should get a reply. Also.. I'm getting ready for a SeCrEtPrOjEcT with BrYaNaNdGeEjAyAnDgHiSlAiN... so.. that should be interesting.
Hope all of you are liking my comic!

Your's truly,

Betcha can't read just une!


It worked! It worked! Muahahahahaha!
My backround works!!

Thanks Gary!


The incredible, AnimeCanuck

Betcha can't read just une!
Okay.. I think I figured out what my problem was.. I need to click POST at the top.. and THEN publish.. Oopsies..
That still doesn't fix the backround for this blogspot though.. I need help.. so you can email me here and not at my other email mentioned on my newer blog, AC's Insight because that is strictly for my oddism replies.. and I want any email and every email to do with Thermalyte my online comic to go here. Okay? Got it? Good.

The incredible, AnimeCanuck

Betcha can't read just une!
Hiya everybody!
Wow! I'm using blogger! I'm trying this out for now.. maybe later I'll but it up on my site for REAL. (as in FTP it there). But for now.. I think I will add a link to this "updates" page. Anyways.. whatever works.
For you people here at Blogger that see this, go check out my comic, Thermalyte! Its actually pretty cool, and the art isn't half bad. The storyline is though.. heehee.. (well.. just because I'm starting to get a small amount of writers block.)
See you all later!!

The incredible, AnimeCanuck

Betcha can't read just une!